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Podcast • September 10, 2024

ACDC #141: The Viability of Home Staking on Ethereum

In this episode

On Ep.47 of Infinite Jungle, Christine talks about the main takeaways from All Core Developers Consensus (ACDC) call #141. Christine highlights progress being made on Pectra, the next Ethereum upgrade. She also dives into an open question about the implementation of PeerDAS, the main code change that will enhance Ethereum’s scalability as a data availability layer for rollups. Developers are concerned that the current design of PeerDAS will negatively impact home stakers, users that are operating validators on low-grade hardware. Though there are paths forward for changing the design of PeerDAS to minimize impacts on home stakers, it is unclear to what extent home staking will remain a viable activity over time.

Show note links: 


(00:01:16) Pectra Devnet Updates

(00:04:07) Three Examples of How Pectra Specifications Are Changing

(00:04:53) Example #1: EIP 7251 Correlation Penalty Edge Case

(00:10:06) Example #2: How to Best Package Validator Withdrawal and Consolidation Requests

(00:12:55) Example #3: EIP 6110 Deposit Queue

(00:17:22) PeerDAS Progress Updates

(00:19:48) Open Questions About PeerDAS Proof Computations

(00:29:07) Open Questions About the Viability of Home Staking on Ethereum 

This episode was recorded on Friday, August 16, 2024.


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