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Podcast • September 17, 2024

ACDE #196: The Great Pectra Split

In this episode

On Ep.49 of Infinite Jungle, Christine talks about the main takeaways from All Core Developers Execution (ACDE) call #196. Christine shares updates about the launch of Pectra Devnet 3. She also dives into the implications of splitting Pectra across two hard forks, an idea that developers are seriously re-evaluating to reduce implementation risks associated with the upgrade. She explains how this idea was brought up on the call, what feedback it immediately received from developers, and what developers need to consider so that the split does not result in an even larger and more drawn-out upgrade than intended.

Show note links: 


(00:01:16) Pectra Devnet Updates

(00:05:05) Callout for wallet developers to start testing on Devnet 3!

(00:08:24) Why the idea to split Pectra was not seriously considered then

(00:11:52) Why the idea to split Pectra is being seriously considered now

(00:16:00) What a Pectra split could look like and timelines for mainnet activation

(00:18:29) My views on the Pectra split idea

(00:23:45) How I think Pectra should be split from a narrative perspective

(00:29:11) Concerns about splitting Pectra into two separate upgrades

This episode was recorded on Friday, September 13, 2024.


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