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Podcast • September 11, 2024

Exploring Paths Forward for PeerDAS & Home Stakers

In this episode

On Ep. 48 of Infinite Jungle, Christine chats with Nixo Rokish, Executive Director of EthStaker, and Yorick Downe, Founder of CryptoManufaktur and Blockchain Engineer at Galaxy, about changes to the staking deposit CLI tool and the expected impacts of PeerDAS on home stakers. The staking deposit CLI is a tool for users operating their own validators to stake their ETH. safely and securely. It has long been overdue for an update, as explained by Nixo and Yorick. Despite efforts to improve the staking experience for home stakers, Christine expresses concern about the viability of home staking. She explains how the PeerDAS update could have negative impacts on users running validators on low-grade hardware. Yorick highlights the rationale for PeerDAS and ongoing research to outsource computationally intensive work like block building and proof generation to other stakeholders in the network so that home stakers can continue to participate. Nixo adds that Ethereum protocol researchers and developers are committed to preserving the viability of home staking long-term.


Nixo Rokish, Executive Director of EthStaker

Yorick Downe, Founder of Cryptomanufaktur and Blockchain Engineer at Galaxy

Show note links:


(00:00:55) Deposit CLI, What It Is and Why It’s Important

(00:03:01) What’s Changing About the Deposit CLI and When

(00:07:43) Blockers to Updating the Ethereum Launchpad Website

(00:11:46) Christine’s Concerns about the Impact of PeerDAS on Home Stakers

(00:14:49) Why Increases in Hardware Requirements for Home Stakers is Reasonable

(00:18:06) Networking Requirements for Home Stakers Can be a Pain Point

(00:19:57) The Point of PeerDAS and How It’s Meant to Preserve the Viability of Home


(00:23:30) The Difference Between Home Staking and Solo Staking

(00:24:22) Medium to Long-Term Ideas for Preserving Home Stakers

(00:28:07) The Urgency for Preserving Home Staking Activity on Ethereum

This episode was recorded on Friday, August 16, 2024.


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