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Podcast • August 21, 2024

ILs, ePBS, Preconfs, and More! Oh, the Possibilities of Commit Boost!

In this episode

On Ep. 45 of Infinite Jungle, Christine speaks with Drew Van der Werff, independent Ethereum researcher, and Alex Stokes, Ethereum Foundation Researcher, about commitment boost, an Ethereum validator sidecar that standardizes communication between validators and third-party protocols like MEV-Boost.


Drew Van der Werff, independent Ethereum researcher

Alex Stokes, Ethereum Foundation Researcher

Show note links:


(00:01:42) What are examples of validator commitments that can be created through

Commit Boost?

(00:06:00) What is the motivation for commit boost considering plans for in-protocol

inclusion lists and ePBS?

(00:09:49) What are the risks that Commit-Boost could address and create?

(00:16:12) What will drive adoption for Commit-Boost?

(00:22:41) How will Commit Boost impact searchers, builders, and relay dynamics?  

(00:25:02) Commit Boost Implementation Progress and Timeline

(00:27:34) What is the vision behind Ethereum?

This episode was recorded on Friday, August 16, 2024.


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