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Ethereum All Core Developers Execution Call #194 Writeup

Ethereum All Core Developers Execution Call #194 Writeup - Galaxy Research

On August 15, 2024, Ethereum protocol developers met virtually over Zoom for All Core Developers Execution (ACDE) Call #194. This week, the call was chaired by Ethereum Foundation (EF) Researcher Alex Stokes. The ACDE calls are a bi-weekly meeting series where developers discuss and coordinate changes to the execution layer (EL) of Ethereum.

Developers kicked off the call with updates on the testing progress for the Pectra upgrade. Then, they discussed the readiness of EOF code changes for inclusion in a Pectra devnet and updated analysis on the gas costs for EIP 2537 operations. Prysm developer “Potuz” presented on EIP 7732, a formal proposal to enshrine proposer builder separation on Ethereum. Erigon developer Giulio Rebuffo proposed a way to remove the field “totalDifficulty” from the Execution API to reduce the technical debt of Ethereum clients from pre-Merge days and Geth developer Marius van der Wijden proposed a way to remove pre-Merge fields from the Ethereum Wire Protocol to reduce node bandwidth during sync. Developers briefly discussed rebasing PeerDAS specifications on top of Pectra instead of Dencun and finally, they shared updates on their implementation progress for EIP 4444.

Pectra Devnets

Pectra Devnet 2 is stable. There appears to be one outstanding issue on the Devnet 2 information page related to merging block builder specifications and testing them on devnets. EF Developer Operations Engineer Parithosh Jayanthi said there are also issues with Teku/Erigon nodes and the Prysm client.

Developers are aiming to launch Pectra Devnet 3 with updated specifications for EIP 7702 in two weeks. Developers plan on adding EOF to the devnet thereafter, Pectra Devnet 4, if all goes according to plan.

Geth developer Marius van der Wijden shared updated analysis on the gas costs for EIP 2537. As background, the EIP creates a new precompile for BLS12-381 curve operations. It enables smart contract developers to perform operations such as signature aggregation over the BLS12-381 curve in a cost-effective way. Van der Wijden proposed a repricing of the precompile based on benchmarks he and his colleague on the Geth team, Jared Wasinger, made for BLS operations and their gas usage on various machines. Van der Wijden encouraged other developers to run their own benchmarks on EIP 2537 gas usage to verify results.

EIP 7732

Prysm developer “Potuz” shared updates on EIP 7732, an in-protocol solution to directly connect validators to third-party block builders. Since the Merge, validators have relied on intermediary actors called relays to receive blocks containing MEV rewards. EIP 7732 removes the need for relays so that validators can earn MEV in a more trustless manner. Potuz highlighted that the current design of EIP 7732 requires no changes to the execution layer (EL) or Engine API. He added that EIP 7732 is also compatible with inclusion lists, a proposal to enable validators to force inclusion of transactions in a block. More information about EIP 7732 can be found in this Google slide presentation.

Reducing Pre-Merge Tech Debt

Since Ethereum’s transition to proof-of-stake, there are parts of the Ethereum codebase that are no longer useful or necessary. For example, the difficulty bomb, which was a mechanism to force development work on proof-of-stake by making it infeasible to create blocks through proof-of-work mining after a certain period. The following two proposals are aimed at removing such parts of the codebase to improve node performance and reduce protocol complexity.

  1. Erigon developer Giulio Rebuffo proposed the removal of the “totalDifficulty” field from the Execution API.

  2. Geth developer Marius van der Wijden proposed the remove of a few pre-Merge fields and messages from the Ethereum Wire Protocol.

There was positive feedback on both proposals from other developers on the call. Developers agreed to review both in more detail asynchronously after from the meeting.


On the topic of PeerDAS, a Nimbus developer by the screen name “Dustin” proposed hastening the rebase of PeerDAS on top of Pectra EIPs instead of continuing to develop PeerDAS on top of Deneb. He acknowledged that there are EIPs in Pectra that are unstable and subject to change such as EIP 7702 and EOF. Dustin recommended rebasing PeerDAS on the subset of Pectra EIPs that are stable and excluding EIP 7702 and EOF transactions on PeerDAS devnets. Developers discussed other ways to start rebasing PeerDAS on Pectra. There was general support to start moving in this direction.

Stokes reminded call participants that starting next Monday at 2PM (UTC) there will be a recurring Pectra testing call to coordinate further on devnet specifications and timing.

EIP 4444

There were no major updates on EIP 4444, history expiry. Representatives from the Nethermind and Nimbus team said they are in the process of building out their integrations with the Portal Network, an alternative networking protocol for users to access expired history data.